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3 Productivity Myths That Keep New Coaches Stuck—and What to Do Instead

coaching entrepreneur productivity

I help people launch their first online course in their spare time. I love it! It’s so rewarding to help people, and every day I wake up grateful for this part of my life.

But one thing I’ve realized is that doing this ‘in your spare time’ takes some key skills. One of these is understanding the foundations of productivity.

Here’s the thing—not all productivity advice works for the unique challenges of starting an online business. Worse, following outdated or ill-fitting strategies can keep you spinning your wheels rather than gaining traction.

Myth 1: “I Need to Be Busy All the Time to Succeed”

The Problem:

Many new online course creators and coaches equate busyness with progress. Filling your schedule with endless tasks—like perfecting your logo or tweaking your website—may feel productive but doesn’t always translate to real impact. This mindset leads to burnout and frustration because you’re focusing on activities that don’t directly grow your business.

The Truth:

Success doesn’t come from being busy; it comes from focusing on high-impact activities. Things that ‘move the needle.’ For example, instead of endlessly tweaking your branding, invest time in connecting with potential clients or crafting content that demonstrates your expertise. High-impact activities drive growth, while busywork merely fills time.

What to Do Instead:

Each session that you’re focusing on your business, identify your Top 3 Priorities—the tasks that will move the needle most in your business. Then commit to finishing those before tackling anything else. This ensures your energy is spent where it counts.

Action Tip:

Ask yourself, “What one action today will bring me closer to my goals?” Focus on that first.

Myth 2: “I Need to Have Everything Perfect Before I Launch”

The Problem:

Perfectionism is one of the biggest productivity killers. You might feel like you can’t launch your coaching offer until your website, social media, and materials are flawless. This leads to endless delays and often results in losing momentum.

The Truth:

No one’s first launch is perfect—and it doesn’t need to be. What matters is getting your offer out there, learning from real feedback, and iterating as you go. Progress beats perfection every time. Delivered is better than perfect.

What to Do Instead:

Adopt a Launch-First, Polish-Later mindset. Focus on creating a simple MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for your coaching offer—a clear promise, basic materials, and a way for people to pay you. Then, refine it based on real-world experience.

Action Tip:

Set a deadline for your launch and stick to it. Treat it as non-negotiable to avoid over-preparing.

Myth 3: “I Should Do It All Myself”

The Problem:

When you’re just starting out, it’s tempting to try to do everything on your own to save money or because you think you SHOULD be able to do it all. But this DIY approach can quickly lead to burnout, overwhelm, and slower progress.

The Truth:

While you might not have the budget to outsource everything, investing in the right tools, systems, or occasional help can free up your time for the work that truly matters—like coaching and connecting with clients. Remember, your time is a limited resource.

What to Do Instead:

Start small. Automate repetitive tasks like email sequences or social media posts with free or low-cost tools. I use for all graphic design, for AI powered video editing, for AI powered powerpoint creation and for course recordings as key tools to automate/speed up key tasks. These small investments can make a big difference in freeing up your mental energy.

Action Tip:

Make a list of the tasks that drain your energy or take too much time. Explore tools or affordable services to offload those tasks.

Bonus: A Simple Productivity Framework for Coaches

Here’s a simple framework you can use to stay on track without falling into the traps of busyness, perfectionism, or burnout: The 3 D’s—Decide, Delegate, Delete.

  • Decide: What’s the most important task that aligns with your business goals? Do it first.
  • Delegate: What can someone else do? Whether it’s editing a video or scheduling posts, let it go.
  • Delete: What’s not necessary right now? Eliminate distractions and focus on what truly matters.


As you work to grow your coaching business, it’s not about doing more—it’s about doing the right things. By letting go of these productivity myths, you can create more space to focus on what truly drives impact, income, and long-term success.

The next time you feel stuck or overwhelmed, remind yourself of this simple truth: You don’t need to do everything. You just need to do what matters most. That’s how you’ll build a sustainable, impactful coaching business—one focused step at a time.

How I Can Help

Ready to make a bigger impact, increase your income, and gain more freedom with your time and money? If you’re curious about how creating a successful online course, coaching, or mentoring program can help, here’s how we can work together to bring your vision to life:

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2. Sign Up for my FREE Impact & Income Accelerator Workshop

If you’re ready to level up, my FREE Impact & Income Accelerator On Demand Training shows you how I built an extremely profitable and scalable online course business in my spare time - and how you can to. Sign up here.

3. Join My FREE Facebook Group

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