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No, Not Everyone Can Build an Online Course - Here's Who Can.

coaching entrepreneur

We’ve all seen the guys standing in front of a Ferrari telling us that anyone can build an online course in 2024 and make $10k a month. You’re right to be skeptical.

But while it’s true that not everyone can do this, in my experience, more people are able than think they can.

If you’re unsure whether creating an online course or becoming a coach or mentor is right for you, here are my thoughts on who it really works for.

(Plus read to the end to hear about my FREE Income & Income Accelerator Workshop launching very soon)

1. You Need a Motivation

 If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I’m all about the why. Why you do something is often more important than what you do.

Before I started this business, I sat down and wrote out eight reasons for why I was going to do it. At the time, I had a full-time job and lots of responsibilities, so I needed to be clear on my reasons. More to the point Caroline, my wife, needed to be clear. 😂 

I rarely share those reasons with others—honestly, I don’t feel the need to justify myself—but they were vital for keeping me focused.

(That said, if you’re really curious, shoot me an email or DM, and I’ll share!)

So, what’s your reason for wanting to do this? If you’re still unsure, here are a few motivations that might help you decide:

You have a skill, passion, or expertise and want to make some extra income while helping people.

Whether it’s a business skill, personal development expertise, conflict management skill, or any other area of expertise (and there are millions of potentials - I know someone making $8k per month with her knowledge of herbs for horses and dogs!) Whatever it is you’ve likely built up knowledge that others could benefit from. Turning that into an online course not only allows you to share your passion but also creates a new income stream—while providing value to those who need it most.

You’re drawn to the idea of developing a passive income stream

The concept of making money while you sleep is appealing to many, and for good reason. Once an online course is created, it has the potential to generate income with minimal ongoing effort giving you freedom to pursue other passions or spend time with loved ones.

You’ve maxed out your earning potential in your full-time job but still enjoy what you do.

Many people find themselves stuck in a job they enjoy but unable to increase their income without switching careers. Creating an online course allows you to tap into that expertise and create an additional revenue stream, without needing to leave the job you love.

You’re a freelancer struggling with inconsistent income.

Freelancing can be a rollercoaster, with periods of abundance followed by dry spells. By creating an online course, you can develop a more reliable source of income that helps smooth out the highs and lows.

You’re a parent who needs a flexible income source.

Balancing work with family life is tough, and traditional jobs often don’t offer the flexibility parents need. Building an online course can be done on your own schedule, allowing you to work around family obligations and creating income without sacrificing valuable time with your kids.

You’re approaching retirement and need supplemental income.

As retirement looms, many people begin to think about ways to supplement their income without going back into full-time work. An online course offers a way to share the knowledge and skills you’ve built over a lifetime, while also providing an income stream that doesn’t require a daily 9-to-5 commitment.

You’re a therapist or counsellor who can’t scale beyond 1:1 coaching.

For professionals in therapy or counselling, time is the primary limiter—you only have so many hours in a day. Online courses provide a way to scale and help more people without being tied to the limitations of one-to-one sessions. Often you can give them the basics that you’re weary of teaching one-to-one whilst reserving your time for the more needed help of applying the principles to their specific situation.

2. You Need Certain Skills or a Certain Personality

Building an online course requires more than just a passion for teaching. You also need certain skills and personality traits.

Comfortable working online: It’s an online business, after all! , you’ll need to get comfortable.

Basic tech abilities: If tech makes you sweat then you may struggle. Don’t worry—you don’t need to be a tech wizard. But the basics - Email, Zoom, Google Docs, and task management tools - are essential. Mostly you just need a willingness to learn.

Happy talking with people: If you’re deeply introverted and hate interacting with others, this is unlikely to be the best fit. I’m an introvert myself, but I enjoy talking with people so this works for me.

Motivated to try something new: You don’t have to love new things, but you do need the drive to give them a shot.

Willing to invest in yourself: Whether it’s time or money, be ready to invest in your personal growth. Lifelong learning is key to success.

If these characteristics sound like you—or you’re willing to work toward them—you’ve got what it takes to get started.

3. You Need a Little Time

Here’s the truth: while the goal is to build a passive income stream, you’ll need to invest some time upfront. I define passive income as money earned with minimal active effort once the initial work is done. So while that sounds dreamy, it doesn’t happen overnight.

So how much time do you really need? While some people do it with less, I recommend being able to commit to at least 4-5 hours per week. Any less than that, and you’ll probably get frustrated at the slow progress and lose motivation. For a benchmark I limit myself to 5-6 hours per week but that’s mostly because I have a lot of other things I need to do! I would give this more time if I had it.

But the good news? That time doesn’t need to be all at once. You can spread it across the week. And the beauty of the model I teach is that you can (and should!) take breaks. That’s the whole point of building a passive income stream.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Want to learn;

  • why online coaching, mentoring and courses are a great path to increasingly passive income
  • how you can turn your existing skills, knowledge or experience into a scalable online course or coaching programme
  • the three common pitfalls that grind many online businesses to a halt
  • the key elements that every online coaching programme or course needs
  • how you can create increasingly passive income even with a small audience

Then Join My FREE Impact and Income Accelerator Workshop:

It’s running at 8pm on Monday 8th October (BST). You can reserve your space here


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