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The Power of Passive Income

Why Online Courses Can Help You Go Beyond the Time for Money Exchange

The idea of earning money while you sleep, travel, or simply go about your daily life feels almost too good to be true. But here's the thing—it is possible, and creating online courses is a very effective ways to make it happen.

I know. This is the sort of thing that makes you think of guys in front of Ferraris (probably rented) in exotic locations selling a 'get quick rich' scheme that gets them rich quick and no-one else!

But here's the truth.

I’ve run multiple businesses over the last ten years in my spare time and while some of them have been quite lucrative, none have been able to generate increasingly passive income quite like online courses.

So, if you're tired of trading your time for money, or simply want to supplement your time-for-money income, it's time to consider the power of passive income through online education.

What Is Passive Income?

Firstly, let's line up our ducks and define passive income. Some people would say 'there's no such thing as truly passive income.' And to a degree they would be right. 

However, I define passive income as money earned with minimal active effort once the initial work is done. This doesn't mean there's no work involved—it simply means that after you've laid the foundation, your business can continue to generate revenue without constant hands-on involvement. Think of it as planting a tree: you tend to it in the early stages, but once it's grown, it bears fruit year after year with little ongoing effort.


Many of us, especially those working in traditional jobs or service-based businesses, are stuck in the time-for-money exchange. You work X number of hours and get paid Y pounds or dollars in return. It’s a straightforward exchange, but it has its limitations. There are only so many hours in a day, and even if you're in a high-paying profession, your earning potential is capped by the finite amount of time you have.

This is where passive income becomes a game-changer. Instead of directly trading your time for money, you can create assets that generate income repeatedly. And few assets are as scalable and valuable as online courses.

Why Online Courses?

Of course there are many assets that can generate this kind of income. Property. Stocks and Shares. Even Crypto! And I’m not one to decry other methods. However they do have significant downsides of needing either a high investment up front or significant risk.

By contrast, online education has exploded in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. The global e-learning market is expected to exceed $325 billion by 2025. More people than ever are turning to online learning for its convenience, affordability, and accessibility.

The pandemic taught us all one thing - we can learn things online far more than we thought we could.

As someone looking to create passive income, this presents a massive opportunity.

Here’s why online courses are one of the best avenues for building passive income:

1. Scalability

Once you create an online course, the work is done. The content is recorded, the materials are in place, and the platform is set up. You can sell that course to one person or 1,000 people without any additional work. This is the key to scalability—your income potential is no longer tied to the hours you work.

In contrast, if you're offering 1:1 coaching or consulting, your income is limited by the number of clients you can physically serve in a day. With online courses, that limitation disappears. Your course can be consumed by learners at any time, in any time zone, with no extra effort on your part.

Having said that I always encourage people to start with 1-1 coaching as it’s a way to learn how to help people without the effort of building the course first. Once you've successfully learned to coach people online - first 1-1 and then in groups, it's a natural next step to turn that material into an online pre-recorded course. More on that later.

2. Low Overhead

Creating an online course requires an initial investment of time, effort, and perhaps some money for software or marketing. However, once the course is live, your ongoing costs are minimal. Platforms like Teachable, Kajabi, and Thinkific allow you to host and sell your courses without needing technical expertise or significant monthly expenses.

Compare this to a brick-and-mortar business, which requires rent, utilities, and staff. Or think about a service-based business, where you constantly need to deliver work to clients. With online courses, once the content is created, you can automate much of the marketing and sales process, meaning lower ongoing costs and higher profit margins.

3. Global Reach

One of the most exciting aspects of online courses is their global accessibility. Thanks to the internet, your potential customer base is not limited to your local area or even your country. Anyone, anywhere in the world, can purchase your course. This significantly increases your earning potential and helps you build a brand that can reach people far beyond what would be possible with traditional business models.

4. Leverage Your Expertise

Most people have some knowledge or a skill that others are willing to pay for. Whether you're a fitness coach, a graphic designer, a marketing expert, or a hobbyist baker, an Excel master, a productivity guru, a micro garden expert or an infinite number of other things there's likely an audience eager to learn what you know. Creating an online course allows you to package that expertise and deliver it in a structured, easily digestible format.

This not only establishes you as an authority in your niche but also creates an asset that can generate income long after you've moved on to other projects.

How to Get Started

If the idea of creating an online course sounds appealing but you’re not sure where to start then I'm hosting a FREE Impact and Income Accelerator workshop to guide you through launching your first coaching, mentoring, or course creation programme.

Want in? Join the waitlist to be the first to know when enrolment opens. Let’s unlock your potential, make a positive impact, and build a sustainable income for you and your family.


Online courses represent one of the most powerful ways to break free from the time-for-money exchange and build a sustainable, scalable business.

Not only do they allow you to reach a global audience, but they also give you the flexibility to live life on your own terms. If you're ready to stop trading your time for money and start building passive income, creating an online course might be the perfect next step.

By putting in the work upfront, you'll plant the seeds for a passive income stream that can pay dividends for years to come.

Standing with you


P.S Got questions or need personalised advice? Hit reply and let me know where you’re getting stuck—I read and reply to every email!

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