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You CAN Overcome Overwhelm

I was chatting to a lady the other day about her newly launching coaching business, and the same theme emerged: “When I think of what I have to do, I just feel overwhelmed.” It’s a common thread I hear from people in all walks of life.


It creeps in slowly, often without us realising it. We get excited about our goals, our projects, and our aspirations, and then the reality of everything we need to do hits us. Suddenly, the excitement is overshadowed by a looming sense of dread, and we find ourselves feeling stuck.

Maybe you’ve felt it too.

Overwhelm can manifest in many different ways. It doesn’t always look like chaos or panic on the outside, but it can quietly undermine your progress and leave you feeling powerless.

Here are just a few ways it might impact you:

1. Paralysis: You end up doing nothing because you don’t know where to start. The sheer volume of tasks can freeze you in place, making it feel impossible to take that first step.
2. Burnout: Trying to juggle too many things at once without clear direction often leads to physical and mental exhaustion. This kind of fatigue makes it even harder to get back on track.
3. Loss of Focus: When everything feels like a priority, nothing truly is. You end up scattered, jumping from task to task without making meaningful progress in any one area.
4. Frustration: You start feeling stuck, as though no matter how much effort you put in, you’re just spinning your wheels. This can be deeply disheartening and demotivating.
5. Decreased Confidence: As the to-do list grows, your belief in your ability to manage it shrinks. Over time, this can erode your self-esteem, making even simple tasks feel insurmountable.

Does any of this sound familiar? The good news is that overwhelm is not an insurmountable obstacle. In fact, it’s something you can actively work through and overcome with the right approach.

Here are 4 simple yet powerful steps I use for myself and with those I coach to help manage and beat overwhelm:

1. Clarity on the Goal

The first step in overcoming overwhelm is to get clear on your ultimate goal. Ask yourself: *What am I really trying to achieve here?*

If your goal isn’t clear, or if it’s too broad, overwhelm is inevitable. Whether you’re trying to grow a business, improve your personal life, or accomplish a specific project, clarity is key. Take the time to really hone in on what you want. Write it down, visualize it, and break it down into manageable, bite-sized objectives.

When your goals are vague, it’s easy to lose direction. But when you’re laser-focused on a specific outcome, it becomes much easier to filter out distractions and unnecessary tasks. Having clarity on the “why” behind your goal will keep you motivated even when things get tough.

That’s why in my business coaching programme the first thing we do is to nail down a really tight Raw Blueprint and Raw Mission. These act as the foundation and compass for the whole thing. Once you know where you’re going it’s so much easier to move forward towards it.

2. What’s Going to Move the Needle Most?

Once you have clarity on your goal, the next step is to prioritise. Not everything on your list needs to be done immediately—or at all. The key is to focus on the tasks that will have the biggest impact and move you closer to your goal. I talk about finding the things that will really ‘move the needle’ - thinking about your overall goal like an analogue dial and your progress being like a needle showing your progress towards the goal.

Take a hard look at your to-do list. Are there things on there that are just “busy work” or distractions? Often, we fill our time with low-priority tasks that make us feel productive but don’t actually contribute to our long-term goals.

Eliminate the unnecessary. What actions will actually move the needle for you?

I’ve seen people spend £10,000 on a website and think that in doing so people will magically find their site. They won’t. The bigger priority is drawing people to your site and finding a way to connect with them. All you need is a simple landing page which you can build yourself for free!

Ask yourself, *If I could only accomplish one thing today, what would it be?* Focus on that and let go of the rest.

3. Take the Next Step

Now that you’ve identified the key tasks that will move you forward, it’s time to take action. But here’s the thing—you don’t have to do it all at once. In fact, trying to solve everything in one go is one of the quickest paths to overwhelm.

Instead, focus on taking just one next step. Break your tasks down into manageable chunks and focus only on the next immediate action. Once you complete that step, move on to the next.

This concept of breaking things down into smaller tasks is powerful because it builds momentum. Small, consistent progress can have a huge cumulative effect over time.

Remember: Small steps lead to big results. You don’t have to climb the whole mountain in a day—just focus on taking that next step, and then the next.

4. Prioritise Passive

One of the most effective ways to combat overwhelm is to prioritise passive systems—things that you only have to do once, but that continue to pay off over time.

For example, in business, this might look like creating automated systems, templates, or processes that reduce repetitive work. In life, it could be building healthy habits that become automatic, like meal prepping or setting up a morning routine.

Think of it as investing your energy up front so you can reap the rewards later. By focusing on things that work on autopilot, you free up mental and emotional space for more important tasks down the line.

Bonus: Find a Coach

And finally, one of the most effective ways to overcome overwhelm is by getting outside support. A coach can provide you with the structure, accountability, and guidance that makes all the difference when you’re feeling stuck.

Coaches help you see the big picture, clarify your goals, and keep you on track. They can also offer a fresh perspective and help you navigate challenges in ways you might not have considered.

Having someone in your corner, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed, can accelerate your progress and prevent you from burning out. Don’t underestimate the power of having a mentor or coach to help you navigate your journey.

Ready to Unlock Your Coaching Potential?

I hope that was helpful! Overwhelm doesn’t have to be your default state. By gaining clarity, eliminating distractions, focusing on actionable steps, and setting up passive systems, you can regain control and make steady progress toward your goals.

To help you get started, I'm offering an upcoming FREE Impact and Income Accelerator workshop designed to help you understand the full process of launching your first coaching, mentoring or course creation business.

Interested in learning more? Join the waitlist today and be the first to know when enrolment opens. Together, we'll unlock your hidden potential and create a positive impact on the lives of others, all while building a sustainable income for yourself or your family.

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