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How To Sell Without Selling

coaching entrepreneur

One of the most common concerns I hear from coaches, mentors, and course creators is how much they dislike the sales process. They love helping people but hate the 'icky' feeling that comes with trying to sell. I completely understand—I've been there myself.

I used to dread even talking about what I was doing, let alone trying to sell anything.

But everything changed when I discovered how to sell without selling.

Now, every time I come off a ‘sales call’ (though I don’t even call it that anymore), I feel energised and excited—whether or not the person decides to buy in (and they usually do!).

This shift in mindset and approach has been a game-changer for me, and it can be for you too.

In this edition of The Raw News, I want to give you a glimpse into what I teach in my Impact & Income Accelerator course: how to reframe the sales process so that it feels natural, authentic, and even enjoyable.

1. Change Your Mindset

Firstly, unless what you are offering is over £400 ($400) you shouldn’t be really doing “sales calls” anyway. It just not cost effective to do so and you should be using other methods in your sales process. That’s beyond the scope of this article but I’ll write more on that another time.

So, let’s assume that you do need to get on the phone or zoom to connect with a potential client.

The first step is to change the script in your head. Instead of thinking of it as a "sales call," start thinking of it as a "discovery call."

Our problem with sales is we think it’s about trying to persuade someone to buy something.

It isn’t.

Or at least it shouldn’t be and doesn’t have to be.

The goal is NOT to persuade someone to buy something they might not need—it's to discover if there’s a good fit between what you offer and what they need.

Does what you do help them solve a problem that they have? If yes, then great! If no - then, for both of your sakes, you need to walk away!

So, the first step is to change your mindset. You’re not selling, you’re discovering.

This mindset shift takes the pressure off both you and the potential client.

2. Listen Before You Speak

So how do we go about this, then?

Firstly, after an initial greeting begin your conversation with two simple questions: “Thanks for asking for some time to chat about <insert the reason they asked for the call>. How can I help?”

After listening to what they say, a great follow up question if they haven’t already covered it is “Where are you stuck?” These questions open up a dialogue where you can truly listen and understand the challenges they’re facing. The more you listen, the more you can help—and the less you feel like you’re selling.

3. Help Them for Free

During the call, offer real help. Coach them for free as best as you can in the short time you have together. Focus on getting them unstuck from something specific that’s been holding them back. But be careful not to overwhelm them with too much information at once though — no one likes to drink from a fire hose!

4. Share Your Process

Once you've helped them, share the process you take your clients through. Don’t be afraid to give away bits of your process for free. This not only provides more value but also illustrates what you do and how you can help them. It’s crucial to have a clear, defined process that you can articulate, and clear defined goals that you help your clients achieve. Without a clear process, it’s no wonder selling feels hard!

Haven’t got a process? Then step one is to build one. Take what you do for your clients and first work out where you take them from and to. What pain or problem do you help them solve and where will they be once they’ve worked with you. Then work out the steps that you usually take to get them there. This is your process. As I said, without a clear process, making an offer to someone is really hard!

5. Make the Offer (If It’s a Good Fit)

If you genuinely believe that what you offer is a good fit for their needs, make the offer. But only if it’s a good fit. I’ve told people before, "I don’t think I can help you." One of those people has become a friend who I now collaborate with for free.

Also be super honest about areas where you can and can’t help them. I told one potential client ‘I’ve never worked in your industry before but I’m pretty sure the principles I teach will apply - I’m willing to give it a go if you are.’ They became a client. I’ve always found that honesty sells because sales is based on trust and people trust honest people.

Also, when you do make an offer, make it clear if there is a good reason for them to buy now such as a time limit on the price (ie at this point in the future the price will go up), but don’t push it too hard. They’re not stupid—they’ll know if it’s right for them.

Obviously there’s more that can be said about discovery calls but these are the five key principles to sell without selling.

If you have any questions just reply to this as I’d love to help!

Finally, if you’re ready to jump in and get going then Download the Ultimate Online Coaching Guide from and start building your flourishing online coaching business today!

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