The RAWĀ News

Every Thursday youā€™ll receive tips, strategies, and resources to launch, grow, and monetise your online coaching or mentoring business. Each issue takes less than 4 minutes to read.

The #1 Secret to a Successful Coaching or Course Creation Business

If you’re in need more income but aren’t ready to quit your current job then starting an online coaching, mentoring or course creation business is one of the best ways to make scalable, increasingly passive income in your spare time. It suits those who like helping people and like the idea of coaching or mentoring others with a skill or passion they already have.

But one thing I find people struggle with is what area to focus in. Most of us have a number of areas that we’re passionate about but are unsure which would work well when coaching others. If that’s you then read on.

It all begins with finding your niche. That is the #1 Secret to a successful coaching, mentoring or course creation business. This crucial first step sets the foundation for the whole shebang. Identifying a niche that aligns with your passion and expertise is essential for a fulfilling and profitable online coaching business.

So, in this edition of The Raw News I’ll guide you through a simple process of finding your niche, ensuring you build a strong foundation for your online coaching journey.

Why Finding Your Niche Matters

So what is a niche? A niche combines the audience that you are trying to help with the transformation that you’re trying to help them to achieve. For example you could have a niche that helps parents of newborns get their child to sleep through the night. Or that helps 50-60 year old dentists looking to sell or scale their dental practice. Focusing on a specific niche allows you to target a specific audience and solve their unique problems effectively. When you have a well-defined niche, you can create content and services that resonate deeply with your audience, leading to greater engagement and loyalty.

A well-chosen niche not only helps you stand out in a crowded market but also ensures that you remain motivated and passionate about your work. When you are truly passionate about your niche, it reflects in your coaching, making your sessions more impactful and enjoyable for both you and your clients.

Steps to Identify Your Niche

1. Assess Your Interests and Expertise

  • Reflect on your hobbies, interests, business expertise and areas where you have significant knowledge.
  • Consider what activities you can talk about for hours and never get bored. Think about the subjects you love discussing with friends or the topics you enjoy reading about in your spare time.

2. Evaluate Your Experience

  • Identify areas where you have seen the most change or growth in your life. Consider the personal journeys you have undertaken, the challenges you have overcome, and the skills you have developed.
  • Think about skills or knowledge you can easily teach others. Would people come to you to ask about room design? (They wouldn’t come to me!) Or maybe they’d ask your option on their finance goals? Reflect on the feedback you have received from others about your ability to explain concepts clearly or to inspire and motivate them.

3. Seek Feedback

  • Ask friends or family members what they think your strengths are. Sometimes, others can see our strengths more clearly than we can.
  • Consider what people frequently seek your advice on. What are the common questions or issues people come to you with? This can be a strong indicator of your natural niche.

4. Narrow Down Your Options

  • If undecided, list two or three potential niches and create some ideas for each. Explore these topics in more depth to see which one excites you the most.
    - Choose the one that excites you the most and where you have helped others the most. Passion and enthusiasm are critical for sustaining your motivation and energy in your coaching business.
  • Generally the best niche’s have a ‘bleeding neck problem.’ I won’t go to the hospital for a cut finger. But if my neck is bleeding - I’m calling for an ambulance! So if your niche has a problem that someone needs help with urgently, all the better.

5. Consider Market Demand

  • Ensure your niche addresses specific problems that people are willing to pay to solve. Conduct market research to understand the demand for your niche. Search up your idea on Amazon to see how many books are on that subject. Look on Youtube for the number of channels. Search google to find courses.
  • Focus on providing specific solutions to specific problems for specific people. The more targeted your niche, the easier it will be to attract and retain clients.

Real-World Examples of Successful Niches

  • Infant Sleep Coach: Helping new parents get their infants to sleep through the night. This niche addresses a specific and urgent need for many new parents.
  • Saxophone coach: Building a course and community around taking your saxophone playing to the next level.
  • Productivity Coach: Assisting 30-40 year old executives who are burning out to find greater space in their lives through growing effective productivity systems and mindset shifts.

Pointers for Finding Your Niche

  • Experiment and Reflect: If you’re still unsure about your niche, try experimenting with two or three topics. Create content, offer free coaching sessions, and reflect on which topic feels most natural and engaging for you.
  • Focus on Specificity: Remember, people want specific solutions to specific problems, not general help. The most effective niches tend to be those that help a specific person at a specific point in their journey with a specific problem. For instance, a course helping new parents get their infants to sleep through the night is likely to be more marketable than one on general parenting advice.

The Importance of Passion and Expertise

Passion and expertise are the cornerstones of a successful niche. When you are passionate about your niche, it shows in your work. Your enthusiasm becomes contagious, and your clients will be more engaged and motivated. Expertise, on the other hand, ensures that you provide valuable and accurate guidance to your clients. The combination of passion and expertise will make you a sought-after coach in your chosen niche.


Finding your niche is the first step to launching a successful online coaching business. It sets the foundation for everything else you do. Take the time to evaluate your interests, experience, and market demand. This approach ensures you are passionate about your niche and can provide real value to your audience.

Download the Ultimate Online Coaching Guide

Ready to take the next step in your online coaching journey? I’ve just created the Ultimate Online Coaching Guide from to help you get an overview of the whole process to start building your flourishing online coaching, mentoring or course creation business today!

Get FREE Access To Simon'sĀ Ultimate Self-Publishing Cheat Sheet

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Successfully Publish Your Book on Amazon KDP

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