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The SECRET Power of Curiosity and Asking Questions for Lifelong Learning

Learning to ask questions is one of the most important skills you can gain. It’ll make you a better author and better speaker - it’ll definitely make you a better coach and it’ll also make you a better entrepreneur. 

In this episode, we explore the profound impact of questions on personal growth, leadership, and problem-solving. Discover the three golden rules of asking questions and explore key categories of questions that can transform your approach to communication and decision-making.

Key Takeaways:

* Understand the significance of curiosity and questioning in personal and professional development.

* Learn how questions build relationships, promote critical thinking, and empower individuals.

* Discover the three golden rules of asking questions

* Explore different types of questions, including clarifying, empathetic, coaching, option, and trajectory questions and how to leverage them for maximum impact

If you prefer to listen or read then check out the podcast which has a full transcript. 

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