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Supercharged Productivity: Master These 7 Time Management Skills for Authors, Speakers, Coaches, and Entrepreneurs

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Do you ever run out of time? Or do you not take things on because you don't think you have the time? Over the years I've found myself using the 'not enough time' reason over and over. But I've also learned to ask myself 'is it true'? Do I really not have enough time? Or is that an excuse that I hide behind more than I'd like to admit?

In this episode, we dive deep into mastering seven essential time management skills tailored specifically for those of us carrying a message that we want to get out. I've learned these over many years and they've massively helped me to transform my productivity. I take a long hard look at the notion of 'not enough time' and provide actionable insights to help you overcome common productivity hurdles.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset
  • Understand pareto
  • View your time as investment and learn how that makes a difference
  • Discover the 5 key systems to organize your time
  • And much more!

If you prefer to listen or read then check out the podcast which also has a full transcript. 

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